Cancer is a fungus
The book “Cancer is a fungus” describes how a fungous infection always forms the basis of every neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping.
Dr. Simoncini is
a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and
in metabolic disorders.
november 22 - start of the online promotion campaign in South America
januari 2 - international webportal updated
Science orthodox treatments
Health effects of fungi
Review by Nexus Magazine
There is pressing need for new, life-giving sap to impart vigour to an asphyxiating theoretical structure whose philosophy, research, and practice no longer seems aligned with our times. The advanced and demanding society in which we live is no longer satisfied with the domination, for a limited time, of any disease by using the knowledge of physics and chemistry.
Buy the book Cancer is a fungus
The Fungal Hypothesis
Interview Doug Kaufmann
Interview Dr. Apsley
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